Admission going-on 2024-2025

Admission Registration

Counseling Code 4925

Pharmaceutical Technology

Pharmaceutical Technology


Pharmaceutical Technology is a branch of engineering and is the study of the origin, preparation, properties, effects, dosage and dispensation of medicines. Pharmaceutical engineers design, construct, maintain and operate the technology used to research and manufacture pharmaceutical drugs.They are involved in the conception, design, construction, and operation of industrial plants in which the above processes take place, increasingly with design at the molecular scale being more and more significant. The primary goal of pharmaceutical technology is to improve the effectiveness and safety of drugs, reduce side effects, and enhance patient compliance. The duration of the course is four years and it is career orienting in nature. The course is beneficial for understand the process involved in production and purification of medical compound in the laboratory / bulk drug manufacturing industry, characterization of these compounds and stepwise handling of drug materials in formulation industry.


The department of Pharmaceutical Technology is devoted to create, transmit, and apply knowledge based on research in the basic and applied pharmaceutical sciences for the ultimate aim of improving actual manufacturing process and their methodologies for enhancing manufacturing systems, productivity and quality in pharmaceutical drugs..


  • To imbibe the ability of critical thinking, scholastic attitude and provide solutions for critical problems
  • To nurture the ability to create sustainable solutions with a blend of socio-ethical understanding
  • Inculcating the values and commitment towards better healthcare of the society.

1.To prepare students for prosperous spectrum of career avenues in academia, advanced research, industries of pharmaceutical technology, biomedicine, biotechnology, law, business and government and other pharmaceutical pursuits through dissemination of knowledge and proficiency in engineering and technology fundamentals related to pharmaceutical technology and the ability to solve problems.
2. To transfuse in students the sense of confidence in professional endeavors by application of the derived knowledge and appreciation of economical impact in a societal context.
3. To provide collegial and nurturing environment for the students to realize the professional, ethical obligations and their concern to protect the health and welfare of the public, and to be accountable for the social and environmental impact of their practice.
4. To create an enjoyable educational environment in which students participate in multidisciplinary, team oriented, open-ended curricular and co-curricular activities that prepare them to work either individually and as an integrated team member.
5. To facilitate the students to gain the wisdom of fundamentals and advances to practice pharmaceutical technology and interdisciplinary research as career of constructive service to society and higher learning.

After completion of graduation in Pharmaceutical Technology, the students will be able to demonstrate the ability to:

1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and technology in the discipline.
2. Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyse complex engineering problems for its solution.
3. Design and develop system processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health, safety, cultural, societal, and environmental.
4. Design the experiments, its analysis and interpretation of data, synthesis of the information using research-based knowledge for complex problems.
5. Use modern engineering tools, software and equipment to meet the needs in the area of Pharmaceutical Technology.
6. Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues relevant to the professional engineering practices.
7. Apply knowledge of the impact of pharmaceutical technology solutions in a societal and global context.
8. Demonstrate ethical principles and commitment to responsibilities and norms of the Pharmaceutical technology practices.
9. Work effectively as an individual and as well as member in teams of diversified professionals.
10. Communicate effectively.
11. Understand the philosophies of project management principles in Pharmaceutical technology.
12. Showcase urge for self-education and life-long learning.

After successful completion of the program the graduate will be able to

1. Develop active pharmaceutical ingredients, drug intermediates and pharmaceutical products.
2. Apply data driven decisions and predictive analytical tools in smaller and larger molecule producing industries.
3. Identify technical issues related to the design, manufacturing of chemicals & pharmaceuticals and provide effective interdisciplinary solutions.
4. Adapt continuously changing technologies and play pivotal professional role in sustainable societal development.

  • Microbiology Laboratory
  • Biochemistry and Physiology Laboratory
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory
  • Physical Pharmaceutics Laboratory
  • Dosage Forms Laboratory
  • Pharmacology Laboratory
  • Heat and Mass Transfer Operations Laboratory
  • Drug Analysis Laboratory